Fr. Peter O'Neill, and the events in East Co. Cork during the 1798 Rebellion, which surrounded his arrest and transportation.
Philip M. O'Neill
First print: May 1998 Second print (with additions) : September 1998 8 X 6 inches, 133 pages Price £7 (Softback)
ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVENTORY OF COUNTY CORK, VOL II: EAST & SOUTH CORK. Comprising the Baronies of Barrymore, Cork, Courceys, Imokilly, Kerrycurrihy, Kinalea, Kinnatalloon & Kinsale.
Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth St., Dublin 2. 12 X 8 inches, 432 pages. Price £20 (Hardback).
THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE OF 19TH CENTURY CORK, The Rural Economy and the Land Question.
James S. Donnelly Jr.
Routledge & Kegan Paul London & New York 8 X 5½ inches, 440 pages Price cir £10. (Softback).
EAST CORK IN EARLY CHRISTIAN TIMES, Secular and Monastic Trends.
Rick Prendergast.
8 X 5½ inches, 152 pages Distribution: Rick Prendergast, "Raveloe", Mogeely Road, Castlemartyr, Co. Cork.
Tel: 021 - 667483. Price: ? (Softback)
THROUGH THE MIST OF TIME, Memories of the past from Whitegate, Aghada, Saleen, Roches Point, Guileen, etc. Compiled by Whitegate/Aghada Historical Society.
8 X 7½ inches, 133 pages
Price: ?
DOWN MEMORY LANE, Pictures of Times Past
Cristóir Ó Corr
Photographs of Rathcoursey, East Ferry, Saleen, Cloyne, Churchtown, Rostellan, Aghada & Whitegate. 108 pages 8 X 7½ inches Price: £5 (Softback) Available from Jimmy Long, Chapel Street, Cloyne, Co. Cork.
A Portrait of Cork Harbour's southern shore. The story of one of Cork's best loved areas: Trabolgan, Roches Point, Aghada, East Ferry, Whitegate and the rich tapestry of circumstances which shaped it. The U.S. Airbase, The British Forts, The Shipwrecks, The Great Demesne Houses, The villages and their people.
Pat Fitzgerald.
8 X 5½ inches, 272 pages Price: ? (Hardback) (Softback)
AGHADA, Echoes of the Past, Personal memories of the Aghada & Whitegate area from the 1920s onwards.
Whitegate-Aghada Historical Society 8 X 6 inches, 253 pages Price: £8 (Softback).
Leabhar Chluain Uamha
The Parish of Cloyne: Cloyne, Ballycotton, Shanagarry, Churchtown South has a rich heritage. It is linked with illustrious names: Christy Ring, Cynthia Longfield, George Berkeley, William Kenealy and William Penn. The Daunt Rock rescue is part of its varied maritime history. This revised and amended edition of The Book of Cloyne evokes the past and proclaims the present.
Pádraig Ó Loinsigh Distribution: Helen Lynch, Cloyne, Co. Cork. Tel: 021 - 4652653 8 X 5½ inches, 387 pages Price £10
THE PIPE ROLL OF CLOYNE (Rotulus Pipae Clonensis)
In this first substantial effort at an annotated edition of this document, the editors have emended the only surviving transcript, in the process expurging a certain amount of error, while the numerous explanatory notes contain a rich store of background information concerning the social history, family history (both Anglo-Norman and Gaelic) and toponomy of the Diocese of Cloyne and further afield, thus providing a unique depth to the study of this equally (in an Irish context) unique document.
Edited by Paul MacCotter and Kenneth Nicholls
8½ X 6½ inches, 268 pages Published by Cloyne Literary and Historical Society. 1996. Price: £25 (Hardback)
by Richard Henchion
Headstone Inscriptions and notes on most of the family names.
Published by Cloyne Literary & Historical Society
Contact: Ursula O'Mahony, Ballinacurra, Midleton, Co. Cork. Price: £12
Midleton "happenings" in chronogical order. Paul MacCotter has described it as "one of the most extraordinary pieces of local historical research to emerge in recent times".
Jeremiah Falvey with an introduction by Paul MacCotter.
Published by: Sira Publications, Church St., Cloyne, Co. Cork. Tel: +353 (0)21 652632 12 X 8 inches, 356 pages. Price £30 (Hardback), £20 (Softback)
Conna district, situated in North East Cork, encompasses much of the tiny barony of Kinnatalloon and part of the baronies of Barrymore and Condons and Clangibbon. It is made up of the old civil parishes of Aghern, Knockmourne, Mogeely North and Templevalley. It runs to the Waterford border, near Tallow to the east and Ballyduff to the north. Much of the area lies in the valley of the winding River Bride with three fine arched bridges in a 4-mile stretch. Close to each of these bridges are the remains of three ancient castles in delightful surroundings, built in strategic positions. Conna village lies in the centre, with the little hamlets of Curraglass and Aghern to the east and west respectively The ruins of Knockmourne Abbey are a little to the west of Conna village while the remains of the historic church of Mogeely adjoins Mogeely Castle. A few miles to the south are the ivy-clad remnants of Templevalley church, established by the Knights Templar. Plainly, this small community, associated with Sir Walter Raleigh and Oliver Cromwell, is steeped in history and tradition. Conna Community Council, aware of the need, indeed the duty, to record all this for posterity, set up a History Sub-Committee. This publication is the result of the labours of that committee. The following facts are worth noting: 150 years ago The Great Famine was raging throughout the land, two centuries ago the 1798 Rebellion, involving Conna-born Fr. Peter O'Neill, took place, and exactly 400 years ago Raleigh mapped out his Mogeely property, the oldest estate map in Ireland. These events feature prominently in this book which recalls the milestones that helped shape the present day Conna.
Tom Finn Chairman Conna History Committee November 1998 8 X 6 inches, 412 pages Published by Conna Community Council. Price: £20 (hardback) £12 (softback)
by Marie Fitzgerald Murphy
A compilation of memories of people, places, some sad times, many happy times, memories of contributors, their parents, grandparents and neighbours.
8 X 6 inches, 376 pages Price: about £12 (Softback)
CLANN NA GREINE TEO., CLYDUFF, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO.CORK, IRELAND, 1998. Price £9.99. Post Free. +£4.00 Air Mail.
One of the most creditable achievements of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society is that now and again it brings forth scholars of the calibre Liam O'Buachalla. Far from being a professional historian or archaeologist Liam was a working farmer with roots deep in his native soil of Carrigtwohill parish. Somehow this sense of belonging lent to his writings a solidity and a feeling of continuity, so that he was as much at home in the tribal milieu of early Christian Ireland as he was with the Penal day tenant-farmers among whom he could identify his own ancestors. This is not to say that Liam was a mere dabbler. His 'Contributions towards the political history of Munster, 450-800 AD' was a brilliant and meticulous piece of research, spread over four issues of our journal, one which attracted the attention of well-known scholars nationwide. If today some of his conclusions are yielding place to those of more recent investigators, that is only in the natural order of things, since historical truth is an edifice upon which each generation must lay its course. What will never be replaced is the innate feeling for and knowledge of his own locality displayed in such articles as 'Ui Mac Caille in pre-Norman times', 'Ecclesiastical families of Cloyne', 'The Carrigtwohill Tithe affray, 1833'. I had the good fortune to know Liam for some years before his untimely death as we served together on the Council of the Society. In the pages of the journal we conducted a friendly argument about the site of 'Insovenagh'. I thought I had the stronger arguments on my side but found out many years later that Liam's instinct had been right all the time. It is fitting that Liam's articles should be assembled in one volume, so that his friends, admirers, and indeed future generations can the more easily study the life's work of a man whose grasp of historical reality, depth of local knowledge, and sheer dedication still serve to inspire us all. Diarmuid Ó Murchadha (Hon. Editor, JCHAS)
by Very Rev. William Keane P.P. of Midleton (1841-1851) Bishop of Cloyne (1857-1874)
Edited by Canon B. Troy P.P., V.F., Midleton
Price: £10 Available from: Canon B. Troy Parochial House Youghal Road Midleton Co. Cork Ireland
This edition strictly follows the order of the original census. Some of the district names no longer exist but their location may be found in the first Ordnance Survey of 1841. The Main Street is simply "Street". Broderick Street is now Coolbawn and Charles Street is now Connolly Street.
The ages of the individuals are given but sometimes are not very accurate. For genealogical purposes the inclusion of the mother's maiden name is very helpful as is the relationships of individuals to the head of household.
This census was made before the Great Famine and another was made towards the end of it in 1848. It is hoped that this will be published soon.
and other contemporary documents
Transcribed by The Rev. Bartholomew O'Keeffe, D.D.
Edited by Canon B. Troy P.P., V.F., Midleton €10
1. William Cooley to Lord Egmont, 4 Sep. 1750. ‘Berkeley and his entourage...' supplied to Cloyne. Literary and Historical Society by Dr. Toby Bernard, Hertford College, Oxford.
2. County Criminal Court, March 26th, 1834.
3. Died, Rev. John Duan, P.P. of Cloyne, Cork Mercantile Chronicle, 30 April, 1834.
4. The Cork Herald, Search for Arms and Powder in the neighbourhood of Ballycotton by the Military and Police, 6-4-1834.
5. Death of the Bishop of Cloyne - Dr. Brinkley, 16-9-1835.
6. Funeral of the Lord Bishop of Cloyne, 18-9-1835..
7. New Church at Ballycotton, Cork Evening Herald, 12th Oct. 1835.
8. Education Association, for supporting Scriptural Schools in the Diocese of Cloyne.
9. Copy of Deeds of Site for Parochial House, Midleton, 1837.
10. Two pages from the Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis.
11. Map of Cove in 1841.
12. Cloyne Boarding and Day School.
13. Very Extensive Auction at the See House, Cloyne, (Instructed by the Executors of the late Right Rev. Dr. Brinkley, Lord Bishop of Cloyne).
14. The Cork Examiner March 1st 1843, Advertisement: New Cloth
Manchester, Scotch and Hat Warehouse now open.
15. O’Connell Tribute for 1843, Parishes of Cloyne, Shanagarry, and Churchtown.
16. Salvage Claims.
17. Wreck of the Sirius, 22 Jan 1847.
18. Letter t o the Editor of the Cork Examiner from Thomas L. Murray,
Midleton, re: contributions to the relief fund.
19. Soldiers in Cloyne, billeted on the householders of Cloyne, ill conduct and drunkenness of the soldiery.
20. Ejection of Tenantry in the district of Cloyne, 24-4-1848.
21. “The Ass of Dungourney”, a tragical Song for the millions.
22. Tenant Rights Meeting at Mallow – 19-11-1850.
23. Scrofula, King’s Evil, etc., Ballycotton, Cloyne.
24. Cloyne Petty Sessions, Case brought by a local magistrate against a policeman. 7-3-1853.
25. Timber Auction a t Kilcrone, near Cloyne, 26-1-1857.
26. To be Let; and immediate possession given, Barnabrow House, Offices, Garden, Lawn. 8-5-1857
27. Notice t o National Teachers, 2-4-1858.
28. Dr. Cahill's Lectures in Cloyne, 27th August 1858.
29. Letter to the Editor of the Cork Examiner re: a Mr. Durdin and the Chapel at Shanagarry, 3-3-1859.
30. Cloyne Fair, ad postponing same, 14-9-1859.
31. The Murder in Cloyne, 14-10-1859.
32. Papal Tribute, Parish of Cloyne. 7-5-1860.
33. Cloyne Petty Sessions, The Queen v. Wm. D. McCarthy, 19-9-1860.
34. Cloyne Petty Sessions, Charge of Riot and Forcible Entry. 1864.
35. Chancery, Lands will be Let for seven years at Ballymacotterr, Ballylander, and Maytown, etc. 21-8-1865.
36. The Ballycotton National Schools, List of Donations towards same, 28-2-1865.
37. Castlemary, near Cloyne. Great Unreserved Auction of the Splendid Flock, 21-8-1865.
38. St. Colman's Statue in Cloyne, 1-10-1862.
39. Auctions, Woodview, near Cloyne, instructions from Mrs. Lawless, mother of Clement Lawless, Kilcrone House, 30-9-1867.
40. Words and Music of the “Moon Behind the Hill” by William Keneally (written in 1866.)
41. Cloyne Coal and Relief Fund, 20-1-1867.
42. Letter to the Editor of the Cork Examiner, re: Mr. John 0' Brien.
43. In Chancery, To be let the House, Offices and Garden of Woodview, 2-10-1868.
44. The County Election, Mr. Downing at Cloyne, I9-10-1868
45. The County Election, Cloyne, l3-10-1868.
46. Cork County Election, 14-10-1868.
47. Strike in Cloyne, 2-7-1870.
48. To be Let, The Extensive Limestone and Marble Quarries known as Carrigacrump, 25-4-1871.
49. Parish of Cloyne French Relief Fund, 19-9-1870.
50. Cloyne and Imokilly Agricultural Exhibition, 15-11-1886
51. St. Colman’s Academy, St. Colman’s Square, Cloyne, 24-8-1876.
52. Notes on Wm. Kenealy, 1828-1876.
53. Thanks, The Rev. T. 0'Farrell, Admr, begs to acknowledge receipt of £100.
54. Distress in Cloyne, A meeting of the Cloyne Relief Fund, 3-1-1880.
55. The Annual Ploughing Match of the Cloyne and Imokilly Farming and Agricultural Society, 1-3-1877.
56. Cloyne Drag Hunt and Races, 23-3-1910.
57. Cloyne Cattle Show, Important Auction at Cloyne, Thursday October 18th, 1877.
58. Mowing Match at Cloyne, July 20th 1878.
59. Pure Water for Cloyne, 2-4-1879.
60. The State of the Country, Proposed Relief Works in Cloyne, Tues. 23rd Dec. 1879.
61. Cloyne Relief Fund, 6-3-1880.
62. Auctions, In the Court of Bankruptcy in Ireland. In re: W. J. Tattan of Midleton and Cloyne.
63. The Land League at Cloyne, 5-7-1880.
64. First Midleton Land League Fair, 2nd Monday, 11th of July, 1881.
65. Fairs for the week, Thursday Dec. 20th 1883.
66. Cloyne Young Men's Society.
67. Cloyne Petty Sessions, 5-8-1886.
68. The Tramway Development of Ireland, Map of Projected Schemes.
69. The Cloyne Fairs, 1-12-1886.
70. St. Colman's Young Men’s Society, Cloyne, October 13th, 1886.
71. St. Colman's Young Men’s Society, Cloyne, A lecture, '0’Connell', 16th April:
72. The Purchase Act on the Longfield Estate, Sept.I8, 1889.
73. The Cloyne Divorce Case, Judgment in the Queen's Bench, Monday, July 2nd, 18 74.
74. The Midleton, Cloyne and Ballycotton Railway Committee, July 30th, 1894.
75. Cloyne Matrimonial Case, Mrs. Riordan applies for Alimony, 14-5-1895.
76. Cloyne Divorce Case, Probate and Matrimonial Division, 25-6-1895.
77. Concert at Cloyne, 22-3-1904.
78. Address to the Rev. John O'Riordan, P.P. Cloyne.
79. Presentation to the Rev. J. Riordan.
80. Opening of the New Technical Hall in Cloyne, 26-12-1904.
81. The Auxiliary Bishop of Portsmouth visits his native Cloyne, 18-1-1906.
82. Cloyne Drag Hunt and Hurdle Races, 25-3- 1909.
83. Today by Padraig 0 Maidin, Exciting Case at Cloyne Court in 1881.